our offerings.

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curated dinner parties.

feel like a guest in your own home. we handle everything from place settings to clean-up and all the steps in between.

the base package includes hors d’oeuvres followed by a served 3 course dinner with the option to add additional courses, wine pairings or cocktails.

please note, this format is just a start — the options are endless and creating personalized menus + experiences are our favorite!



drop off dinners.

looking for a way to elevate a special dinner from the safety of your own home? this is the perfect option for you! all meals will be delivered to your doorstep with full reheat and cooking instructions included.

the base package includes a customized 3 course meal with the option to add additional courses, wine pairings or pre-made cocktails.



gift cards.

the perfect gift for friends or family members who love food and want a restaurant experience from the comfort of their own home. also a great gift for the person in your life who has just about everything and loves an experience based gift.